Create An Instantly Reputable Company

We specialize in making brand identities that are UNIQUE, ICONIC and DISTINCTIVE. Whether we're giving a brand a fresh look or creating one from scratch, we're all about leaving a memorable mark


There exists a misconception regarding the true essence of BRANDING. It is not uncommon for individuals to mistakenly equate it solely with logo design and Corporate Identity. However, it is imperative to recognize that a Branding initiative encompasses a broader strategic scope, encompassing both these elements.


If you find yourself on the journey of establishing a new company, reshaping an established one, or introducing a fresh product or service to the market.

You will need a full branding project!

Branding initiatives dive deep into the core of your offering, encompassing critical elements such as:

  1. Brand Strategy
  2. Brand Positioning
  3. Market research
  4. Naming
  5. Tag Line
  6. Logo Design
  7. Corporate Identity Establishment (including defining fonts, colors, etc.)

If you already have points 1-5 sorted, it’s more likely you need a logo design or corporate identity as the next steps.

If these foundational elements have not been established then a comprehensive branding strategy is needed.

How Outsourced Sales is making Brands?

Branding projects are big, complex, and time-consuming. They should begin at the very heart of your business and expand from there. It's not just about being creative—Logo Design and Corporate Identity cover that aspect.

Here are a few important steps involved:


Brand strategy and positioning.

A brand strategy and positioning is a plan of how you are going to achieve your goals

Developing a strong brand strategy involves defining your Mission, Vision, and Values, along with a clear brand promise and communication plan. Focusing on strategy more than just looks, this approach highlights that brand identity is about what messages are sent rather than how they look.

It requires outlining how your product or service will be found, its purpose, and unique selling points. Key to this is setting goals and how you'll communicate them, identifying target audiences, understanding competitors, and planning engagement strategies. These foundational steps need careful research and resolution before diving into creative work, ensuring that your message is aligned with what the market needs.


Market research

Boardroom guess-making is not the way to inform decisions.

Branding requires market research to provide data that allows you to make the right choices. Brands that don’t research and fully understand their marketplace often make the wrong choices. Disruptive brands are all-to-often not that at all, challenger brands can also end up as me-too offerings. Tempering the ambition and passion for your new venture with a healthy dose of market research means you can benchmark your product or service objectively rather than subjectively. Someone needs to do the research.


Naming & Tag line.

Approach naming with a calculated strategy and thorough research.

Naming a business, product or service is a subjective and challenging task, and without the aforementioned stages, it’s guesswork at best. Getting the naming stage wrong can lead to costly changes further down the line. Things that might not have seemed possible in the early days may become possibilities further down the line, and if your naming is not right, it can cause issues.

Take the example of an up-and-coming UK-based brand that suddenly discovers a huge opportunity in the USA, only to find that the company name is already in use and/or trademarked in the USA.

What do you sacrifice?

The equity in the UK brand you’ve already built or the opportunity for a huge new market?

This is why naming should never be knee-jerk. Your tagline is equally important and should be subject to the same research and due diligence. That will do is never something that should be said during a naming or tagline discussion.

This is a big list. It takes a very skilled branding team to execute it successfully. We’ve built those teams at Outsourced Sales.

Crafting Compelling Brand Identities: From Strategy to Reality

At Outsourced Sales, we specialize in crafting brand strategies rooted in deep insights and understanding. We immerse ourselves in the essence and purpose of your business and offerings, analyzing your market position, competitors, and target audience.

Branding isn't just about looks; it's about telling a story that connects. We focus on the core elements like identity, colors, images, and tone to create a strong brand identity.

Our approach to brand development is precise and in line with the agreed strategy, resulting in brands that are unified, authoritative, and distinctive. Whatever your branding needs, trust us to bring your vision to life.

Our leadership, the driving force behind Outsourced Sales, have authored the book "Branding for Profit", offering valuable insights into the world of branding.

Interested? Contact Now

Use Our Professional Branding Services To Create An Instantly Reputable Business

Welcome to our Branding Services! We specialize in crafting captivating brand identities that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. Our team guides you through the process of creating a unique brand logo that effectively communicates your brand's story and values. From initial concepts to final execution, we ensure a seamless journey with attention to detail and consistency.

Our expert logo designers are dedicated to simplicity, avoiding generic symbols, and creating harmonious layouts that are both memorable and scalable. We prioritize collaboration, seeking your input every step of the way to ensure the final result evokes a "WOW" factor.

Trust our branding service to elevate your brand with logo designs that embody your vision and establish a distinctive visual identity.

Brand Naming

Brand names give businesses the opportunity to put a meaning behind their name with completely positive connotations. If somebody automatically associates your brand name with positive emotions, you’ve earned yourself a customer for life. We help organisations find memorable names that reflect the identity of their product, solution or business and sets them apart from the competition.

As a branding agency, we know that the company and/or brand name is critical to the positioning and success of the brand. The name will make a statement regarding what you do and, more importantly, how you do it.


Brand Identity Creation

As a creative branding agency, we know that establishing a strong brand identity is paramount to a company’s success. Customers, users and employees, in equal measure, rally to the flag. Meaningful and symbolic – a defined and differentiated identity can be a prime mover. We connect with brands with head and heart and the most memorable brands usually combine a strong appeal to both.

Effective brand identity development usually creates well differentiated identities. Others may follow these are ‘me too’ brands. You may not like a brand – if you do, that’s great! But if you remember it – for whatever reason – then it has worked.

Brand Packaging

Consumers are all discerning. And with more and more products purchased online, brands have less time to make an impactful impression. Ensuring your product has effective packaging is all important.

We can help create stunning labelling and packaging design or your product that would make your product stand out amongst the competition, online or on store shelves. Our services cover both the style/shape of the product packaging as well as the design/labelling upon it.


Brand Guidelines

Establishing a brand guidelines document is crucial in maintaining brand consistency. For companies with multiple locations, multiple departments and multiple marketing requirements, a brand guideline document provides rules as to the usage of the brand. As an established branding and design agency, we are able to put together a brand guidelines document at all sizes and complexity.

From a simple sheet simply showing the make up of the brand logo through to a comprehensive document outlining the templates for all the company’s marketing collateral pieces, and other brand assets, across different media channels, you can rely on us to protect your brand.

Ready to Elevate Your Business?

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We Create Awesome Brands

Creating a strong brand is the most effective way to attract customers and make more sales. We even wrote a book to show you how.

“I found this book to be comprehensive and easily digestible. I can honestly say, as a seasoned entrepreneur, that I learned new things from this book and have applied them to my brand with much success. An insightful read. Highly recommend”

Du El, Entrepreneur, UK